Welcome To Cortec -India
Corrosion is a constant indiscriminate and costly enemy of metal parts, whether the parts are packaged for storage and distribution, or whether they are under manufacture inside the plant.
Traditional anti-corrosion methods are messy, costly, and can be hazardous to personnel and the environment.
Customized corrosion solutions from Cortec, using the revolutionary VpCI (Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibition) Technology, provide exceptional product protection, clean, rust-free, and ready-to-use parts and equipment, resulting in increased savings, profitability, and growth.
Additional Cortec VpCI Benefits
Multifunctional Products
Cost Effective – reduces operations and saves costly time and labor
Eliminates requirement of other rust preventive oils and desiccants
Eliminates disposal costs
Multifunctional Protection from tiny electronic devices to large equipment
Convenient and user-friendly to applicator and end-user
Gives short-term and long-term protection
Industry proven track record
Total corrosion control from raw materials to the final user in a variety of industries